Green Tara Bodhisattva And Her Mantra

How is Green Tara Bodhisattva was born?
Green Tara is a significant figure in Buddhism and is regarded as a bodhisattva, which means an enlightened being who helps others attain enlightenment. In Buddhist tradition, there are various stories about her origin and birth.

One popular legend tells the story of her emergence from a tear shed by the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, who is the embodiment of compassion. According to the legend, Avalokiteshvara looked upon the suffering of all sentient beings and was moved to tears. A lotus flower sprang up from the tear, and when it opened, Green Tara emerged, fully grown and radiant.

Another legend states that Green Tara was born from the heart of the Buddha of Compassion, Amitabha. As he looked upon the world and saw the suffering of all beings, he shed a tear that transformed into a green lotus, from which Green Tara emerged.

In both stories, Green Tara is born from the compassion and empathy of enlightened beings and embodies those qualities herself. She is often depicted as a powerful and compassionate figure, ready to help those in need and provide protection from harm.

Is Green Tara is a Buddha?
Green Tara is not a Buddha, but rather a Bodhisattva, which is an enlightened being who has chosen to remain in the cycle of rebirth to help others attain enlightenment. In Buddhist tradition, there are many bodhisattvas, and they are considered to be powerful spiritual guides and sources of inspiration for those on the path to enlightenment.

The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to attain Buddhahood, which is a state of complete and perfect enlightenment. While bodhisattvas are considered to be very advanced on the path to enlightenment, they have not yet attained Buddhahood. However, they are still regarded as powerful and compassionate beings who can help others achieve spiritual awakening.

Green Tara is particularly associated with compassion and swift action. She is often called upon for protection, guidance, and assistance in times of need. Many people who venerate her believe that she has the power to grant wishes and help them overcome obstacles on their spiritual path.

Green Tara Bodhisattva Statue

Is Green Tara Bodhisattva popular?
Yes, Green Tara is one of the most popular and widely venerated figures in the Buddhist pantheon, especially in Tibetan Buddhism. She is known for her swift and compassionate action, which is believed to alleviate suffering and grant wishes.

Green Tara is often depicted in artwork and sculptures with one leg extended, ready to spring into action and help those who call upon her. She is also shown holding various symbolic objects, such as a lotus flower, a vajra, and a rope, which represent her power to overcome obstacles, transform negative energy, and grant boons.

In addition to her popularity in Buddhist traditions, Green Tara has also gained a following among practitioners of other spiritual and esoteric traditions, such as yoga, meditation, and New Age spirituality. Many people look to her as a source of inspiration, protection, and guidance on their spiritual path.

Green Tara Bodhisattva Statue

Are Green Tara Bodhisattva powerful?
Yes, Green Tara is considered to be a very powerful bodhisattva in Buddhist tradition. She is known for her swift and compassionate action, which is believed to alleviate suffering and grant wishes. She is also associated with protection and is often called upon to protect practitioners from physical, emotional, and spiritual harm.

In Tibetan Buddhism, Green Tara is especially venerated, and she is often regarded as a source of inspiration for spiritual practitioners. She is believed to have the power to dispel fear, anxiety, and negative emotions and to help practitioners cultivate positive qualities such as compassion, wisdom, and inner strength.

Green Tara is also associated with the element of air and is believed to be able to move swiftly and effortlessly to help those who call upon her. She is often depicted in artwork and sculptures with one leg extended, ready to spring into action and help those in need. 

What is Green Tara Bodhisattva mantra?
The Green Tara mantra is a powerful prayer or chant that is often recited in Buddhist traditions to invoke the blessings and protection of Green Tara. The mantra is believed to be a source of positive energy and can help practitioners overcome obstacles, achieve goals, and cultivate compassion and wisdom.

The mantra is:

"Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha"
This mantra is translated in many different ways, but a common interpretation is:
"Om, O Tara, I entreat you, O Tara, O swift one, Hail!"
Each syllable in the mantra is believed to have a specific meaning and function, and the repetition of the mantra is said to generate positive energy and remove negative influences.
Practitioners may recite the mantra as part of a formal practice, such as meditation or chanting, or they may repeat it throughout the day as a form of mindfulness or prayer. The mantra is often repeated 108 times, which is a sacred number in many spiritual traditions, but it can be recited any number of times.

What is the benefit of chanting Green Tara Mantra?
Chanting the Green Tara mantra is believed to have many benefits for practitioners in Buddhist tradition. Some of the main benefits of reciting the mantra include:
  • Overcoming obstacles: The Green Tara mantra is believed to have the power to remove obstacles and help practitioners overcome difficulties in their lives. By reciting the mantra with devotion and sincerity, practitioners may find that obstacles in their life begin to dissolve, and they are able to move forward with greater ease and clarity.
  • Generating positive energy: The repetition of the Green Tara mantra is said to generate positive energy and blessings, which can help practitioners cultivate positive qualities such as compassion, wisdom, and inner strength. Practitioners may find that they feel more peaceful, calm, and centered after chanting the mantra.
  • Protection: Green Tara is often associated with protection, and the mantra is believed to have the power to protect practitioners from negative influences and harmful energies. By chanting the mantra, practitioners may feel a sense of safety and security, both physically and spiritually.
  • Compassion and healing: Green Tara is also associated with compassion and healing, and the mantra is believed to help practitioners cultivate these qualities within themselves. By reciting the mantra with an open heart and mind, practitioners may experience a deep sense of compassion and a healing of emotional and spiritual wounds.
Overall, the benefits of chanting the Green Tara mantra may vary depending on the individual practitioner and their level of devotion and practice. However, many people find that the practice of reciting the mantra brings them a sense of peace, clarity, and connection to the divine.


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