
Showing posts from April 2, 2023

Green Tara Bodhisattva And Her Mantra

How is Green Tara Bodhisattva was born? Green Tara is a significant figure in Buddhism and is regarded as a bodhisattva, which means an enlightened being who helps others attain enlightenment. In Buddhist tradition, there are various stories about her origin and birth. One popular legend tells the story of her emergence from a tear shed by the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara , who is the embodiment of compassion. According to the legend, Avalokiteshvara looked upon the suffering of all sentient beings and was moved to tears. A lotus flower sprang up from the tear, and when it opened, Green Tara emerged, fully grown and radiant. Another legend states that Green Tara was born from the heart of the Buddha of Compassion, Amitabha. As he looked upon the world and saw the suffering of all beings, he shed a tear that transformed into a green lotus, from which Green Tara emerged. In both stories, Green Tara is born from the compassion and empathy of enlightened beings and embodies those qualities