Let's Talk About OM

What meaning of "OM"?
OM (also spelled AUM) is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It is considered to be the primordial sound that created the universe and represents the essence of the universe itself .

The sound of OM is made is made up of three syllables, "A", "U", and "M" ,which are said to represent the three aspects of the divine: creation, preservation, and destruction. When chanted or meditated upon, the sound of OM is believed to have a calming and centering effect on the mind and body, and can be used as a tool for spiritual growth and connection to the divine.

OM is often used in religious and spiritual practices, such as yoga, meditation, and chanting, and is also sometimes used as a symbol on jewelry, clothing, and other decorative items.

Why some mantra don't have "OM" words?
While the sound "OM" is commonly used in many Buddhist mantras, not all Buddhist mantras include it. In Buddhism, mantras are sacred syllables, words, or phrases that are repeated as a form of meditation or prayer to invoke the blessings of a particular deity or to cultivate a particular quality such as compassion, wisdom, or courage.

Some Buddhist mantras don't use the sound "OM" because they may have originated from different Buddhist traditions that use different sounds or syllables. For example, the mantra "Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha," which is commonly known as the Heart Sutra mantra, does not include the sound "OM". Instead, it begins with the word "Gate", which means "gone" or "gone beyond" and is considered to represents the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice: liberation from suffering and ignorance.

Additionally, in some Buddhist traditions, the use of "OM" is not considered necessary for the effectiveness of a mantra. What is more important is the intention and devotion of the practitioner reciting the mantra. Therefore, while "OM" is a powerful and widely-used sound in Buddhist mantras, its absence does not diminish the effectiveness or significance of other mantras that don't include it.

The symbol of "OM" in Tibetan Script

The symbol of "OM" in Indian Script

Who create "OM" words?
The exact origin of the sound "OM" is not clear, but it is believed to have originated in ancient India, possibly around 3000 BCE. The sound is considered to be one of the oldest and most sacred sounds in Hinduism and is mentioned in many ancient Hindu texts such as the
Upanishads and the Bhagaved Gita.  

In Hindu mythology, it is said that the sound of "OM" was revealed to the ancient sages and seers during deep states of meditation and spiritual insight. The sound is believed to represent the essence of the universe and the divine, and is considered to be a symbol of ultimate reality and enlightenment. 

Over time, the sound of "OM" become an important part of Hindu spiritual and religious practices, and it was also adopted by other spiritual traditions such as Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, where it is also considered to be a sacred sound with spiritual significance.


Is "OM" is a powerful words?

Yes, the sound of "OM" is considered to be a powerful and sacred sound in many spiritual and religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The sound is believed to represent the essence of the universe itself and is considered to be the primordial sound that created the universe. 

When chanted or meditated upon, the sound of "OM" is said to have a calming and centering effect on the mind and body, and can be used as a tool spiritual growth and connection to the divine. It is also believed to have the power to purify the environment and remove negative energy.

In addition, the sound of "OM" is believed to have physical and psychological benefits. It is said to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and reduces stress. It can also help improve concentration, memory, mental clarity. 

Overall, the sound of "OM" is considered to be powerful tool for spiritual and personal growth, as well as physical and mental well being.

                                             Chanting for meditation

Can we chant "OM" words?
Yes, chanting the sound of "OM" can be a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual practice. The sound of "OM" is believed to represent the essence of the universe and can be used to connect with the divine, cultivate inner peace and calm, promote physical and mental well being.

To chant the sound of "OM", you can follow these steps:
  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or stand without distractions.
  • Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
  • Begin by chanting the sound "Aaaah" (pronounced like "ah") to open the throat and release tension.
  • Move into the sound "Ooooh" (pronounced like "oo") to stimulate the chest and heart center.
  • Finish with the sound "Mmmm" (pronounced like "mm") to resonate in the head and stimulate the third eye and crown chakra.
  • Hold the "Mmmm" sound for a few seconds, then release it slowly and return to a state of silence and stillness.
You can repeat this process several times to deepen your connection with the sound of "OM" and to experience its calming and centering effects.


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